A Place In Time is an especially apt subtitle, for that is exactly what the book does: captures pieces of Pittsbugh as snapshots in time. Readers familiar with the city will find themselves making comparisons of how much - and in some cases, how little - things have changed over the years. Much in the city abides, yet much does not. Other readers will simply be charmed. Pittsburghers are a nostalgic bunch, and will enjoy this fond yet clear-eyed view of their city. For non-Pittsburghers or those new to the region, it provides a window into a city of neighborhoods and colorful individuals who defy and confirm stereotypes simultaneously. The book was originally a compilation of articles done for Pittsburgh magazine beginning in 1980; the author has added new unpublished material to this second edition, as well as an afterword looking back at the neighborhoods and people whom he profiled over the years. Softcover, 204 pages

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